Tuesday, June 21, 2011

3.5 Recall the reaction of methane with bromine to form bromomethane in the presence UV light

Alkanes react with bromine in the presence of: UV Light. 
Explain why this condition is necessary: the UV light is the source of energy needed to break the weak inter molecular forces in between molecules.
  What is this type of reaction called: substitution reaction 
 State and explain the observations: Alkanes are colourless and bromine is brownish orange, when the reactants are given energy to break inter molecular bonds the bromine is less saturated and the product therefor turns colourless 
Write out a balanced (with state symbols) the reaction between ethane and chlorine: C2H+ Clà C2H5 + HCl
 State and explain the observations in this chemical reaction: The chlorine starts as a green/yellow gas. When it reacts the chlorine is less saturated and the product is more saturated making the product colourless

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